35. MRH13-01-Jan2013-P - page 163

This is just a guide though.
A basic two-track corn syrup
facility could take two or three
hours by itself to be switched,
and one complex industry is
a good design solution if you
don’t room for eight indus-
tries. (See “A modern industry
for a compact space” by Jim
Lincoln, in Kalmbach’s “Model
Railroad Planning 2010”)
If your design starts running
to more than a dozen indus-
tries, you may be designing in
and building in more capacity
than you can utilize.
There may be other reasons
beyond operational variety
for having a larger layout
but you have to start asking
yourself some very pointed
questions as to what you are
accomplishing with that extra
capacity and square footage.
3: Shown here is the
switch list of the eight
industries worked in the
three-hour session.
1...,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162 164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,...279
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