59. MRH15-01-Jan2015-L - page 9

This new column would be more 4, 5, and 6, with the most
emphasis on 5.
As for some layout examples, I would consider Tony Koester’s
NKP to be #1, my Siskiyou Line to be #2, Allen McClelland’s V&O
to be #3, Charlie Comstock’s Bear Creek & South Jackson to be
#4, the Gorre & Daphetid to be #5, and Verne Niner’s Estrella &
Sonora Grande
) to be #6.
I envision six columnists who rotate. Are you interested in being
one of the six columnists? Then
to apply.
I am expecting we’ll get interesting perspectives on the imagi-
neering side of the hobby, and ones that may even be useful to
strict prototype modeler.
For example, I could envision an Imagineering column on selec-
tive compression, with the goal being a structure that looks
believable, yet never had a prototype per se. Even though the
model never had a prototype, that doesn’t make the selective
compression methods any less valuable for a prototype structure.
I can also see value hearing from the same six columnists
repeatedly. Unlike our regular articles each by different authors,
you’ll get a steady diet of columns from specific columnists, and
you’ll begin to understand what makes each of them “tick” in
the hobby.
That’s one of things MRH tries to do: to help the hobbyist’s own
unique slant on the hobby come out. We’re called
Model Railroad
for a reason, you know!
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,...152
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