connectors. The Adaptor
Board will be an interface
to go between the 21MTC
Select decoder and the
9 Pin JST connector. This
board can take advantage
of pre-supplied resistance
for bulbs. Also, there is a 1.5
volt regulator on the board,
for those folks who want to
use these low-voltage bubs.
There will be soldering pads
on the adaptor boards for
the functions beyond the
four that come through the
9-pin JST connector.
Android throttle
Part of ESU’s ECoS system is
their Mobile Control throttle.
A forthcoming update to their
system will move that throt-
tle into the Android realm, as
the Mobile Control II [11].
I am excited about this
event. This hardware plus
some Android software, per-
haps Engine Driver, will allow
this throttle to operate any
DCC system that will inter-
face with JMRI.