We worked with graphic designer and model railroader Scott
Thornton earlier this year to give MRH an updated look –
including the major change of a new “MRH Shield” masthead
logo. The old Model Railroad Hobbyist Magazine stylized text
logo will be around too; we won’t abandon it completely.
The new look changes go from cover to cover, with everything
being given a new look. This change also enables what we’re
calling our new “Gen3” format of the magazine.
Starting with the January 2015 issue, MRH will also be available
in a reflowable ePub (Apple iBooks and many web browser
plugins like Readium can read this) as well as the Amazon
Kindle format. This means you can read MRH on any device
and it will reformat the page to fit the device screen. You can
also make the font as large as you need for easy reading.
When talking
to hobby
to mention