Getting Real Column - 6
example pages for the Coast Route; one is a manifest train, the
Golden Gate Manifest, symbol GGM, the other a perishable block
fromWatsonville, symbol WPB. Note for the WPB that schedules
eastward over connecting railroads are also shown (T&L = Texas &
Louisiana Lines, or T&NO; SSW = Cotton Belt; CRIP = Rock Island).
My plan was to abstract all of the Coast Route train schedules and
information, and place these on the inside front cover and first
right-hand page of my timetable
(the former being on the manila
stock, and the latter on white
paper). Although not prototypi-
cal, this location would be conve-
nient for operators to consult.
Finally, one more item that can
be useful is a schematic dia-
gram (not a map) of any towns
or other complex trackage,
complete with track names.
Railroaders give names to every
feature which might be of impor-
tance, and certainly to every
track they might need to use
(or direct someone else to use).
Many might be obvious (team
track, warehouse spur), but
others may be more obscure.
Richard Hendrickson tells the
story of visiting Jerry Stewart
when he was a tower operator
in the Chicago area, and over-
hearing Jerry tell an approaching
train crew to hold short of “the
oil spur.” Looking down the line
from the tower, he could see no
9. A page from the 1965
freight schedule book,
showing the Watsonville
Perishable Block
MRH-Oct 2014