56.MRH14-10-Oct2014-P - page 216

India ink/alcohol blend. The mix is about 1-teaspoon of ink in a
pint of rubbing alcohol.
Rather than stripping the existing paint, I left it in place
because the planned Boxcar Red is a dense color that covers
everything well. If there remained a bit of bleed-through, well,
loggers could occasionally be somewhat slipshod when it came
to cosmetics.
Next came the roof modification, starting with cuts to accom-
modate the cupola. This is the only critical part of the process
because it needs to be as square and even as possible. In [7]
you can see the setup I used for this cut. A metal machin-
ists’ square – very handy for many modeling projects and not
6. A machinists’ square is invaluable for achieving a
perfectly square roof cut for the cupola opening.
Logging cabooses - 4
MRH-Oct 2014
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