Boxcar ends - 2
constructed with steel bracing using standard and Z-section
steel. End bracing was intended to keep car bodies square and
to help minimize collision damage to the car and its lading.
The steel bracing was arranged in several patterns including
vertically [1]. The vertical bracing was frequently augmented
with additional steel in either an ‘A’ [2] or an ‘V’ [3 and 4]
1. 36’ Single-sheathed
wood car with vertical steel
bracing manufactured by
Fowler Car Co. circa 1909.
2. 1908 car rebuilt in late
1920s with heavy vertical
steel bracing augmented
with lighter L-sections
angled inward from the
lower corners. Note
overhanging roof.
3. Single-sheathed wood
car built in 1925 with
steel end bracing in a
‘V’ pattern. Note the
protective shield over top
of steel bracing.
4. Distinctive ‘V’ braces
with a single vertical
brace in the center of
the end.
MRH-Oct 2014