Railway Express Agency trailer, and Atlantic Coast Line with
a Yale Transport trailer. Flat cars and trailers with matching
road names include New York Central, Reading, and Western
Con-Cor International
) will
soon release an N
scale 53’ riveted side
container decorated
for Sears, Ferromex, Fedex MultiModal, Hub Group (red), and
Hub group (green). Pricing and other details are available at
the above website.
Here is a look at pre-
liminary test shots of
an N scale transfer
caboose coming from
Fox Valley
). The
model represents
one of several home-
grown cars the Milwaukee Road built in their own shops. No
word yet on a release date but an MSRP has been tentatively
set at $38.98.
) will
release its next pro-
duction run of N scale
SD40-2 diesel locomotives in March or April, 2015. Road names
on the ready-to-run model will be Canadian Pacific (Expo 86
News column - 15
Vancouver), Chicago & North Western, Milwaukee Road, SOO
Line, Ontario Northern, Santa Fe (snoot nose), and Union
Pacific (snoot nose).
A Southern Railway
locomotive with a
high hood (left) will
also be in the mix.
) plans to deliver an N scale Union
Pacific excursion train complete with an FEF-3 steam locomo-
tive late this year. The 4-8-4 locomotive will have a coreless
motor with dual brass flywheels. Additional features include
operating headlight and number boards, and a detailed cab
interior. An optional pilot (sold separately) will be available to
accommodate a front coupler for double heading. The ready-
to-run locomotive will be available for standard DC operation
and with factory installed DCC.
The 14-wheel N
scale Centipede
tender will have a
unique articulated
mechanism to per-
mit operation on
11” radius curves.
MRH-Sep 2014