55. MRH14-09-Sep2014-L - page 143

Louisville &
Nashville; and
Northern Pacific.
The ready-to-
run DCC-ready
model will have
an MSRP of
) has scheduled another production run
of its ACF 2970 cu. ft. covered hopper for release in March.
The N scale Ready-to-Roll model will feature a photo-etched
roofwalk, round or trough hatches as appropriate to the proto-
type road, separately applied steps and grab irons, and screw
mounted trucks with machined metal wheelsets. In addition
to the MP-TP scheme shown here, road names will be Union
Pacific (RI repaint), Great Northern, BNSF, BSMX, and ACFX. The
MSRP will be $22.98.
has included N scale
GP7/9 diesel locomo-
tives in its production
News column - 14
run scheduled for release during the second quarter of 2015. GP7s
without dynamic brakes will be available for Toledo, Peoria &
Western; Amtrak; Peabody; and Boston &Maine.
GP9s, both with and
without dynamic
brakes, will be avail-
able for Santa Fe,
Amtrak, Canadian
Pacific, New Hampshire Northcoast, and Guilford-B&M (heritage
scheme in both maroon/gold and green/gold).
Atlas is quoting a first quarter release for a Trainman series
ACF 3560 cu. ft. Center-Flow triple-bay covered hopper. Road
names for the N scale ready-to-run model will be Norchem,
ACFX, Gardiner Inc., Niagara/Wisconsin, Southern Railway,
and Norfolk Southern. Check the above website for additional
details and pricing.
Bachmann Trains
is selling N scale
ready-to-run 40’ AAR
steel boxcars deco-
rated for New York,
Susquehanna & Western (Suzy Q scheme); Baltimore & Ohio
(Timesaver scheme); and Great Northern.
Also available now are
52’ 6” steel flat cars
with removable 35’
ribbed-side trailers. Flat
car and trailer combi-
nations include Santa
Fe with a Navajo Freight Line trailer, Baltimore & Ohio with a
MRH-Sep 2014
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