54. MRH14-08-Aug2014-P - page 246

source, however, for me in New Zealand, the cost of shipping
from the U.S. would be huge!
Table Three – Track
No Source
Peco SL92 LH #4 Switch
Code 100 ($20.39 ea)
4 Trainworld.com $81.56 (NZD)
Peco SL91 RH #4 Switch
Code 100 ($20.39 ea)
2 Trainworld.com $40.78 (NZD)
Peco Wooden Tie Flex
Track Code 100 ($5.99 ea)
9 Trainworld.com $53.91 (NZD)
Total $176.25 (NZD)
Note: Sourced locally the switches would be approx. $21.00 each
and the Flex track $8.00 each
Scenery and structures
Here I must come back to the original reason for building the
railroad. It was built to keep me sane by providing enjoyable
train operations. Yes, scenery and structures add consider-
ably to this enjoyment. However, as a starting point, I’m loving
just shuffling cars around. Thus my structures are food skew-
ers and printed flags, and my scenery is nil. I may splash a little
paint around later. This sounds like cheating but I derive hours
of pleasure from shuffling cars without siphoning funds off for
structure kits. Having said that, I constantly watch online auc-
tions for interesting structures and have a couple of Walthers
Cornerstone kits and a Campbell Scale Models grain elevator
under construction. All came from auction sites.
The Kayton Short Line - 5
MRH-Aug 2014
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