Lite and Narrow Column - 7
metal strips to sides and ends with an overhang at the end of
the building.
The shaker house is 10’ wide and 26’ long. The front wall of the
tower is 10’ x 22’ and the rear wall is 10’ x 18’. The rear wall is
attached at the top. The side walls are 12’ wide with one side
22’ and the other 18’ for the roof angle.
The sloped portion of the building is connected 14’ from the
floor on the 18’ side. All roofs have Wild West Models corru-
gated siding strips attached to the eaves to seal the building.
I measured the ramp from the tipple to the embankment to fit
the gap between the structure and the start of the slope. This
will vary from model to model, due to differences in scenery
7. The mine car scale house showing the simple con-
struction of the building. In the background are two of the
mules, Maude and Esmeralda, who, along with 23 others,
are the motive power for the mine cars at the tipple.
MRH-Aug 2014