build it using open steel construction, like the prototype, and
with nailing strips.
Based on the measurements of 9” H-beams taken at the site
of the Jollar tipple, I used 1/8” Evergreen styrene H-beams
for the steel work. I added gussets from .020” sheet styrene
to the corners and at the junctions of the H-beams, which
strengthened the joints.
The cross-bracing in panel is 1/8” Evergreen styrene with
.020” plates at the junction. For those center plates, I added
Archer rivet decals for the X. The nailing strips are scale 2” x
8” Evergreen styrene strips glued in place at 8’ intervals.
2. West side of the miller tipple showing the ramp to the
top of the embankment and the loading chute under the
main tipple.