53. MRH14-07-Jul2014-P - page 90

Large speaker systems in diesel B-units
One of the best-sounding installation designs involves putting
speakers in a B‐unit. Here are two versions: one baffled and
one using an enclosure. Both have amazing sound. In both
cases, dual speakers were used. Check out my January 2014
for wiring methods. The connection to the
decoder in the A‐unit is through a 2‐pin connector.
First, let’s look at a design for a Stewart FT A‐B pair, shown in
[9] and [10]. The FT is a fine loco pair to do this with, as most
of them were drawbar-connected A‐B units.
The weight was milled or sanded flat between the trucks. The
weight and fuel tank plastic between the motor mount holes
was cut away [10]. If one had a mill, even more material could be
removed, but just cutting between the motor mounting holes is
enough. The fuel tank decoration was attached with caulk. Two
speakers were stuck down to a piece of styrene. Two vertical baffle
boards were fashioned out of thick (0.06 inch or thicker) styrene.
9. Stewart FT B with two baffled 28 x 35 mm speakers.
DCC Impulses Column - 9
MRH-Jul 2014
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