I had the loco back together and I’d have to take the loco apart
and rip the speaker out to replace it.
One thing to be very careful about. Make sure that the rear
truck can twist and turn and articulate up and down. If the
speaker constrains the motion of the truck, two things will
happen. The truck will dampen the sound and the loco will be
prone to derailing. I’d explain how I know this, but that would
be an entire column by itself.
One switcher that I did with the speaker mounted in the bot-
tom of the cab had terrible sound when I tested it. A bit of
judicious pressure on the cab showed that there were lots of
openings in the cab that would let the sound escape. It took a
bunch of caulking and gluing to make the sound work. Whew.
8. Atlas Alco RS-1 with a 16 x 35 mm speaker mounted in
the cab and short hood.