53. MRH14-07-Jul2014-P - page 300

News column - 19
Briefly noted at press time...
. . . Tangent Scale Models has released the second produc-
tion run of its highly-regarded General American triple-
dome 6,000 gallon tank car. The HO scale cars are available
now for STCX-Standard Tank Car Company (black), MPCX
- Magnolia Petroleum Company (silver), GATX - General
American Transportation (black 1941 scheme), GATX (black
1958 scheme), GATX (black 1968 scheme), GATX - Celanese
Chemicals (jade green), HHCX - Champlin Refining Company
Enid OK (white), and D&H – Delaware & Hudson Company
Service (black). A black unlettered car is also available. Tangent
owner David Lehlbach, told MRH he plans to be in Cleveland at
the National Train Show later this month with lots of the new
three-dome tank cars ready for immediate sale…
. . . Mystery loco. An unusual amount of hype built up late last
month when sponsors of the Bay Area Prototype Modelers
(BAPM) Meet announced that an unnamed manufacturer
planned to unveil a ‘mystery’ locomotive at the BAPM meet
scheduled for the weekend of June 21. Although three differ-
ent pre-production samples of an HO scale GP60 were shown
at the meet (Two Phase I versions that have never been done
in HO before and a Phase II that has previously been produced
by Proto2000/Walthers) the identity of the manufacturer was
not revealed. MRH doesn’t have any inside information on who
the manufacturer is, but based on the general appearance of
the models and the style of construction, we’re betting on Fox
Valley, an established manufacturer that has already done a
GP60 in N scale. If the manufacturer, whoever it is, thought this
type of product introduction would get folks talking about it…
they are absolutely right.
MRH-Jul 2014
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