cities that lie along the railroads from upstate New York all the
way up to the Canadian border.
There are a number of famous natural lakes and streams in this
area, including Tupper Lake, Saranac Lake, Lake Clear and Lake
Placid. These all feature prominently in the layout. I built two-
and three-track yards in each location, with the main yard at
South Junction.
When it came to selecting a time period to depict in my layout,
I decided upon the crucial era of the late 1930s to early 1950s.
2. Delaware and Hudson RS11 #5002 is underway
with a long freight out of South Junction yard on a
cloudy day with the Adirondack Mountains shrouded
in fog in the background. As SW7 #874 pulls in for
maintenance, Vermont railway #603 can be seen
arrives with a caboose ready for reassignment.