53. MRH14-07-Jul2014-P - page 154

and weight
them mini-
mize warp-
ing. If warping
occurs, brac-
ing on both
interior and
exterior will
correct it.
I laid all the
metal door
and window
castings on
masking tape,
sticky side up,
for spraying
with an air-
brush (quicker
than painting
with a brush.
I use my air-
brush only if
there are a
lot of parts to
be sprayed).
Once thor-
dry, turned them over and sprayed the unpainted side.
Airbrushing speeds up the drying time to minutes, and a
smoother finish is obtained. I then started with the exterior
and interior bracing.
Modifications to the kit
The instructions call for a stone foundation along the bottom
of the engine house. I deviated from this, and added scribed
5. Bracing adds both interior detail and
strengthens the structure.
Bracing added
to the interior
of the engine
Two stall engine house- 4
MRH-Jul 2014
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