53. MRH14-07-Jul2014-L - page 114

This transition era allowed me to feature steam and diesel-
electric locomotives.
During this time period in upstate New York, a number of other
railroads operated on some of these historic routes. These
were the Delaware and Hudson, Vermont Railway, and the
Canadian Pacific, which originated from Chateaugay terminal, a
feature I model.
My layout is constructed in a spare room that measures 10’x
12’, which is all the space my wife would allow me to have –
don’t we all wish we had more room!
Concept and Track Plan
The track plan, which I heavily modified to fit my space, came
from an article in Great Model Railroads magazine. The name
for my layout, the Tupper Lake and South Junction RR, came
from a plan book that has long been out of print.
I designed the layout for two or three operators, which usually
are my grandsons, who helped me build it all those years ago.
I used to run my layout with a Dynatrol system, but it was cum-
bersome to use, so when DCC became available, switching over
was easy.
Although Dynatrol gave good service, it could not duplicate the
features available with DCC.
4. The day draws to a close at sunset, and people
start heading home from work. Delaware & Hudson
RS11 #5002 finally reaches its destination at Tupper
Lake with its long freight. Apparently shoppers have
been busy, given the number of parked cars for such
a small town.
3. The day begins in the township of Tupper lake, and
NYC SW7 #8880 makes an early morning run pushing
a heavy unprocessed timber load across the trestle
bridge at the Township of Tupper Lake on its way to
Saranac yard at Lake Sarancac.
Lake Tupper & South Junction- 3
MRH-Jul 2014
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