52. MRH14-06-Jun2014 - page 45

rolling wheels in your trucks. There’s no guarantee replace-
ment metal wheels will roll any better if they’re a tight fit in
the truck side frames or the bearing surfaces aren’t clean.
After hearing this, Steve said, “Thanks guys for all of the
replies. I got a product called ’The Tool’ ... I gave each axle a
spin … I found that the axle would free spin about 1 to 3 sec-
onds and come to an abrupt stop.I was surprised how much
plastic I would remove. The sooner the axle stopped during
the free spin, the more plastic I took off. I gave each a spin
after using The Tool on both axles and found that they would
free spin about 5 to 10 seconds and slowly wind down to a
stop. There was also a noticeable torque feel to the truck
that wasn’t there before, kind of like what a top or gyro
would give off. This has to translate to some improvement in
4. “The Tool” truck bearing reamer cleans paint and
excess plastic out of the bearing points on plastic trucks.
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