52. MRH14-06-Jun2014 - page 44

Santa Fe Coast Lines layout (fortinweb.com/swsf/), we have
named intermediate points between each town. That way, you
can give enough authority to allow work to occur in one or
more adjacent towns. Some people use milepost markers; we
name specific points on the layout (marked with a small card
on the physical layout so there is no ambiguity).”
“Because our layouts are always so compressed for space com-
pared to the real thing,” Byron says, “these extra landmarks
help us keep things moving smoothly without creating overlap-
ping authority.”
Charlie Comstock prepared a track warrant refresher for his
crews that is of interest to anyone starting out with track
Go to
and a link to the PDF is near the bottom of the page, on the left.
Work-between warrants:
More ops discussion:
Wheels won’t roll
I’ve been getting some of the Walthers 50’ bulkhead flats
lately. These aren’t bad cars, especially for the prices I’ve been
getting them, but the wheelsets leave a lot to be desired. I can
actually place them on a 3% grade and they stay! Has anyone
fixed this problem without replacing them? I got some of their
woodchip gons and they come with the same wheelsets, so I’ll
have even more to do.
– Steve
The axle tip/truck reamers [4] from Micro-Mark
, Reboxx
and other sellers make it a lot easier to get free
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