visits, but this number does not equate to unique viewers.
People may use more than one device to view the MRH website
or to view our magazine. So we need to “de-dupe” Google’s visi-
tors number.
(If you’re interested, here’s a discussion of
Per the analysis at the link above, they find the true unique
users number is typically somewhere between 61% and 75% of
Google’s unique visitors number. In our case, based on our 2013
reader survey and how many said they read MRH with more
than one device, we use 66% as the factor we apply against
Google’s monthly unique visits for the MRH website.
Doing the math gives us:
111,111 x 66% = 73,333
Per the analysis at the link above, our unique monthly visitors
number could vary between 67,000 and 83,000. We feel pretty
safe going with 73,000 since it’s on the lower end of the middle
and it comes from our recent reader survey. It’s worth not-
ing that any of these numbers are larger than RMC’s reported
41,000 circulation, which is the whole point of this discussion.
There is more ...
There are a number of other measures we can use to demonstrate
MRH’s web audience reach versus that of RMC. All of these mea-
sures showMRH has the greater reach, lending credence to our
claim that MRH has now become the number two general model
railroading publication in the hobby, surpassing RMC.
Using stats from the web traffic tracker site,
we find the following monthly website visits:
MRH staff notes - 3
MRH-Jun 2014