52. MRH14-06-Jun2014 - page 225

The company is interested in hobbyists with experience in
marketing, product development, creative design, and cus-
tomer service. The positions currently open for consideration
are Athearn brand manager, customer service representa-
tive, product developer, product development manager, and
a graphic artist. For a detailed list of career opportunities visit
Northern Utah
is raising
money through
the sale of two unique HO scale car kits. The first is a 40’ dou-
ble-sheathed wood boxcar decorated for Salt Lake, Garfield &
Western with a bold Saltair slogan. The color scheme of the car
is based on SLG&W passenger equipment in use in the 1940s
and ‘50s.
The second kit
is for a USRA
twin-bay hop-
per decorated for
the Tooele Valley
Railway. Both kits
are manufactured
by Accurail and include trucks and couplers. Visit the above web-
site for pricing and ordering information.
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