52. MRH14-06-Jun2014 - page 198

ince 2004 I have been singing the praises of the PICAXE
family of microcontrollers to fellow model railroaders
through articles on my website
and through presentations at national and regional model rail-
road conventions.
I have long wanted to put together a complete kit that would
allow beginners to start working with the PICAXE while build-
ing a useful model railroad accessory. The new PICAXE 18M2
chip inspired me to write this article and assemble the parts for
the kit that accompanies it. The completed kit is a full-featured
A PICAXE microcontroller chip was originally designed for
students building simple electronic projects. The PICAXE
system has now also been widely adopted by hundreds of
thousands of hobbyists due to its ease of use. Each year
thousands of high school students are introduced to elec-
tronics and microcontrollers by building a PICAXE project.
PICAXE chips are popular because they are very low-
cost and simple to program using free, easy-to-learn
For model railroaders, PICAXE can be used to control
and operate an endless array of things on the layout
from simple animations to complex automated train dis-
play operation.
- See more at:
PICAXE circuit - 2
MRH-Jun 2014
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