boards for the two 2’ modules. Optionally, another couple of
lengths of 1x3 can be purchased to add bracing on the legs.
To prevent damage to floors, cut some scrap cardboard boxes
into 2” squares and wrap them in plastic wrap. Place these
under the legs to catch any wood sap.
For the surface of the modules, cut one 1/2”x48”x96” rigid
foam insulation into eight lengths of 1’x4’. The second sheet
of rigid insulation provides the next four lengths of 1‘x4‘, four
lengths of 1‘x2‘ and three lengths of 8”x4’. The remaining
board will provide the remaining three lengths of 8”x4‘ and
two lengths of 8”x2’.
Cut 4” off of each 8”x4’ length, and off of each 8”x2’ length,
saving the leftover for splines. You should now have the follow-
ing 1/2” rigid foam insulation pieces:
Laminate the sheets
together by applying
white glue to a surface of
the 8”x44” section and
centering on a 1’x4’ sec-
tion. Apply white glue
to the exposed surface
of the 8”x44” piece and
place the second sheet of 1’x4’ sheet on top. Use six wood
screws to secure the sheets together until the glue dries.
Repeat for the 2’ sections.
Place each section (screws down) on the wood frames, and
secure with wood screws. Trim the spline to 3”x8” and place in