After the decals dried completely, I went back with Champ
Decal Setting solution to soften them so they could settle into
around details. When the decal set was dry, I went back and
popped any bubbles with a sharp X-Acto blade and re-applied
the decal set.
After decaling was complete, I washed the car thoroughly to
clean any decal adhesive off the model and prepare it for fin-
ishing. Then I airbrushed the entire car with a solution of 40%
Testors Glosscote, 40% Testors Dullcote, and 20% thinner. This
secures the decals, hides the decal film, and provides a uniform
15. I use a flat artist’s brush to slightly change the color
of the side panels, proving a contrast between the
panels, doors, rivet lines, and other parts of the car. In
this case, I’m using water-based Special Oxide Red to
give the side a slightly orange hue. This brings out the
brown rivet lines and brown door, and will provide a
nice weathering affect when the black roof is applied.