from the rails and rail
joiners are generally
run above the board,
eliminating the prob-
lem of drilling through
the door panel. The
wires are held in place
with quick-tack glue,
and will be eventu-
ally hidden with both
paint and ballast ,and
other scenery.
I cut some of the ply-
wood into 8”-wide
strips, six of them 4’
long each. Cutting off
the 4’ ends is easier
for me to work with
and to cut with my
hand saw. I also cut
one 4’ strip 2.25”
wide and three at 1”
wide. The first set will
become the shelves
when laminated to double thickness. The last narrower strips
are the roadbed. The wider roadbed is for the double-track
sections, and the narrower is for the single track.
These are then laminated in an overlapping fashion over the
previously laminated shelves. The shelf brackets are attached
through the drywall into each stud, such that the resulting
roadbed surface was level with the door panel top surface.
10. This sketch shows
construction details of the