Holding cars/trains on a grade
Howdoyouguysholdcarsor trainsonagrade? I checked
thearchivesand sawacoupleof ideasusingwireandpaint-
brushbristles. I havean industrial siding thatwill need some-
thing tohold thecars so theydon't roll out to themainline,
and I have toholda trainonagradewhile I do some switching.
Whathasworked foryou?
–Brian, ThomasG.
Tell yourbrakeman totie somehandbrakes!
I hada similarproblem– if thecars rolled, they'd roll right into
thecars Iwas switching. The layoutownerprovidednoway to
secure thecars, so I simplyplaced the leading truckof thefirst
car leftbehindon theground. It isnot an ideal solution, andcer-
tainlynot veryprototypical, but ithad thedesired result.
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