50. MRH14-04-Apr2014 - page 32

We also have our usual col-
umns thismonth. Bruce leads
off with the ever popular DCC
Impulses on signaling your
DCC layout. InGetting Real,
Jack Burgess explains how
dispatcher sheetswere used
on the prototype and how a
railroad is run using TT/TO
(timetable/train order).
KenPatterson shows usmore
of JeffMeyer’swonderful
work. Publisher Joe Fugatehas
thismonth’s editorial on large
home layoutswhileAssistant
Editor DonHanley proposes
“Failing Faster” in thismonth’s
ReverseRunning –no fooling!
Finallyweend themonth’s
issuewith theApril prod-
uct news, events, andour
Derailments humor/bizarre
facts column.
Have a great read thismonth
and keep the trains on the
Staffnotes -
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