lettering ismolded into the side frames; andbrake shoesare
properly linedupwith thewheel treads. The trucksaremade
withCelcon®plastic thatprovidesa slippery seat for theblack-
enedmetalwheelsets. Code100andCode88 semi-scalewheel
Oneof themost common
outside-swinghanger four-
wheel passenger trucks for
bothnewand rebuilt cars
after1947 is the41-BNO-11
(above). Theprototypewas
builtbybothGeneral Steel
CastingsandCanadianCar&Foundry, and saw serviceonvirtu-
allyevery railroadoperatingpassengerequipment inNorth
America. Rapido item102001 ispriceat$14.95perpairMSRP.
Apopular four-wheel pas-
senger truckwith inside-
Steel Casting’smodel 41-N-
11 (above). Rapido’sHO
scaleversion, item102012,
replicates theprototypewithan8' 6"wheelbase. IthasanMSRP
of $15.95perpair.
Theprototype41-E truck
Bradleyandother light-
weight passenger equip-
ment during the1930s and
40s. RapidooffersHO scale versionswithbothplainand roller