49. MRH14-03-Mar2014 - page 231

2. The kits lined up, waiting to be built.
So, I went back to Eric Cote of Accurail with another idea. 30 dif-
ferent kits from the tag ends of 30 different Accurail offerings
they had made over the years. Eric came back with a quote of
a 40% discount for the Scouts. I took that price to the council
and it was approved. I put up the money for the kits to allow the
council to reimburse me from entry fees after the fact.
I requested that the Railroading Merit Badge be an afternoon
class. Because I was teaching a different merit badge in an
alternate session that day, I thought that having Scouts carrying
a finished car around during the afternoon class would end up
with damaged cars and disappointed Scouts.
Presenting the basics
On the Internet I found partial PowerPoint presentations
for most of the first six requirements for the Merit Badge. I
melded them together and added a few more pieces to com-
plete a full presentation. (This presentation is available to
anyone requesting it.)
For requirement 7, I put together a handout list of publica-
tions, starting with the list on the Boy Scouts national website
and added MRH. (I took the extra time to forward a request
to National to add MRH to the list). I borrowed from my club
cars in various scales to demonstrate the different scales of
model trains.
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