47. MRH14-01-Jan2014-L.pdf - page 114

decorated for METLK, CALTN, and WCE. They have an MSRP of
$49.98 each or $149.98 for a three pack.
New N scale items com-
ing from Athearn this
summer include a GATC
2600 cu. ft. Airslide cov-
ered hopper cars deco-
rated for American Maize Products; Atlantic Coast Line; Golden
Loaf Flour; Western Maryland; and Chicago, Burlington &
Quincy. The ready-to-run models will be available in three road
numbers at an MSRP of $21.98 each.
A 50’ PS-1 boxcar
with metal see-
through running
boards is also due
from Athearn in
July. Priced at $19.98 each, road names for the ready–to-run N
scale models will be Missouri Illinois, Chesapeake & Ohio, Rock
Island, Reading, Seaboard Coast Line, and Western Pacific.
will release
another run of
its Master®
series GP9TT
“Torpedo Tube” locomotive during the third quarter of this
year. In addition to the Southern Pacific version shown here,
decorating schemes in the release will include Black River &
Western, Central Vermont, Vermont Railway, Grand Trunk
Western, Soo Line, and Clarendon & Pittsford. The MSRP will
News column - 13
be $109.95. N scale models fitted with an NCE decoder will list
at $144.95.
An N scale 40’ PS-1 box-
car is also due from Atlas
in the third quarter of
2013. The ready-to-run
models will have Barber
S-2A 50-ton trucks. Road
names will be Boston & Maine, Chicago & North Western,
Frisco, Norfolk & Western, Southern, U. S. Army, and Grand
Trunk Western. Depending on the practice or the road being
modeled, the 8’ doors will be Youngstown, Pullman-Standard,
or Superior. The MSRP for the Master® series model will be
$26.95. An undecorated model with all three types of doors
will list at $21.95.N scale modelers can look forward to a new
release of Atlas’ 11,000-gallon tank car during the second quar-
ter of next year. ACF built the high-pressure prototype cars in
1947 for LPG service. In addition to the Hooker version shown
above, the ready-to-run model will be available for Canadian
Liquid Gas (CGTX), Dupont, MCVX Safety Train, PSPX, Union
Texas Petroleum, and United States Army (USAX). Models with-
out the loading platform will be available for Warren
Petroleum, and Ryan Ruralgas (RRGX). The MSRP will be
$26.95. An undecorated model will also be offered at a list
price of $21.95.
Atlas will include an N
scale Trainman® series
70-ton ore car in its third
quarter release. Road
names will be Canadian
National, Canadian
MRH-Jan 2014
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