6: The “last train out” of Hammill Yard ferried the cars
there to the opposite side of the basement, in prepara-
tion for the demolition that was about to occur. The old-
style Shinohara turnouts here are so old that they pre-date
DCC. The layout was originally wired for five-cab rotary
DC block control.
7: This opposite angle view of the remainder of Hammill
shows the extent of the area to be demolished (basically
an entire side of the basement) and the degree of comple-
tion of this area. It was looking quite dated to me as com-
pared to recent construction.
8: The first thing I did after getting all the cars and struc-
tures off the layout was to remove all of the Hankscraft
turnout motors and associated wiring. All I could think of
were those hours of work in a pile on the floor.