45. MRH13-11-Nov2013-P - page 176

nonperfed and unclad prototype board. The prototype board
was a little stiffer than other materials, withstood heat (good
when cutting the excess thread from the Tortoise mounting
screws flush), and held the screw thread a bit better than sty-
rene or wood. Installing the Tortoise "top down" had a very
nice low profile, with very little of it exposed to damage while
module transported.
It is imperative that you know the exact location of each
turnout and throwbar actuator hole. Take your time and lay
out your track exactly where it is to be located, and make all
adjustments to angles and track centers ahead of time. It is
MUCH more difficult to adjust this once the foamboard is cut
and switch machine is installed.
Maintenance is
a consideration.
Simply cut the
area around the
Tortoise a little bit
larger than neces-
sary to give room
for a screwdriver
to reach the ful-
crum and mount-
ing screws. If the
Tortoise needs
to be replaced,
unscrew the four
2-56 mounting
screws and the
Tortoise drops
from the board.
2: A Tortoise switch machine is
attached to a piece of perfboard with
2-56 screws and dropped into place.
Switch machines on foam - 2
MRH-Feb 2013
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