Waterlillies and cattails - 3
to punch out 4 different size paper disks, 3/16”, 7/32’, 1/4” and
9/32”. Look at images of water lilies on the Internet for a cardstock
colored paper suggestions. Cut a notch and crinkle the edges a bit
and randomly glue them into your pond.
The yellow flowers are bowl-shape and multi-pedaled.
With a yellow marker color a small area of both sides of a
light weight copy paper. Be sure it is dry before punching out
the flowers. I used 3/16”, 7/32” and 1/4” to punch out a few
flower disks. Make multi-cuts around the circumference to
indicate the pedals. On the two smaller disks turn the pedals
up a little. In the center of the 1/4” disk place a very small bit
of glue and glue the 7/32” disk into the center of it. Follow
with the 3/16” disk. Rough up the pedals and glue on top of
the lily pads.
Material list
3 pieces of cardstock paper 1 each Dill Linen, Forest Green
for the cattail leaves and a green sheet for the lily pads.
I piece of light weight copy paper
Brown and Yellow markers
Masking tape
White Glue
“Micro-Mark” power punch number 81530, this is a handy
punch that has 7 different hole sizes from 3/32” to 9/32’ and is
very helpful tool if you are a scratchbuilder.
MRH-Oct 2013