Yes, it’s a model - 2
3-4: One of the more important locations on Mike
Confalone's HO-scale Allagash Railway is New
Sharon, Maine.
It's a dreary day in April 1980 and the
modest engine facility is alive with the sights and sounds
(and smell!) of Alco and EMD diesels getting ready for the
day's assignments.
Alco RS32 701 is on the New Sharon Switcher while GP7
500 and MLW M420 205 get fueled and sanded prior
to their trip down to the Maine coast on job NL1 (New
The sand tower is a Walthers kit, painted and then decaled
with the Allagash logo before weathering with artist oils.
The fuel pad was heavily kitbashed from a Walthers kit. A
scratchbuilt pump house was added.
MRH-Oct 2013