what the ratings for this one were, but 50 volts and 1 amp units
are easy to find and inexpensive. Higher voltage or current
ratings are okay, but not necessary.
The bridge rectifier puts DC on the two brass rods: positive
on the far rod and negative on the near one. The LEDs can be
hooked to these rods with a bridge rectifier connecting to the
track. I did that originally and the LEDs flickered constantly.
Time for energy storage.
I went back to my stock and found a 4700 uF 35 volt capacitor.
This is the lowest standard voltage that is totally compatible
with DCC standards (track voltage as high as 27 volts).
However, if you promise not to use track voltages over 20
volts, you could use a 25 volt unit. Note that it is connected
to the power rods correctly, with the negative lead connected
to the one closest to the camera. This keeps the LEDs running
for about 4 or 5 seconds with no power applied. If you want
9: Detailed look at power supply in lighted passenger
car from figure 1.