Animated icing platform - 2
and figured it would accommodate a removable icing platform
standing above it. But how does the ice get up there?
Atlas-O makes a very handsome icing platform kit (A-6905), but
it stretches 37” long, too long for the space I have. It also has a
non-working conveyor belt from a lower platform and I wanted
a working conveyor. I considered kit-bashing the structure to
make it fit my layout, but then decided that I could do better.
I would make an animated conveyor, up to my custom-made
icing platform, to be placed over my existing wooden loading
dock. I decided to make the icing platform and conveyor belt
separate, removable pieces for flexibility in use of my layout.
I have not used small motors for animated layout scenes
before so I began investigating my options. I came across Al
Margolis, at Hobby Engineering, in nearby South San Francisco.
After describing my wishes to him, Al suggested a small kit by
3: The Tamiya 4-speed gearbox that is the heart of the
working conveyor.
MRH-Aug 2013