41. MRH13-07-Jul2013 - page 167

the greatest in the long run, they will be suitable for this layout and
the experience will be instrumental for making later turnout deci-
sions. To shape our rails, we'll want a Xuron rail cutter ($15.00), a
needle file ($2.99), and rail joiners to connect them ($2.99).
It is only here at the end that I shall consider our operating
scale. Our foundation that will provide a modest layout in
On30, a decent sized layout in HO, and a rather generous lay-
out in N. Now, I admit we are on a very tight budget at this
point, seeing as how we only have $64 remaining in our initial
train fund and we don't yet have a power supply. But this is
where frugality and innovation are most prudent.
We’ll start with the larger scale first. Most everything is out of our
budget range, but I was able to find a Bachmann On30 Trolley for
$50.00. Find a power pack under $14, it doesn’t have to be fancy,
and you have a functional setup in O scale. Remove the trolley body
and you could model a track inspection motor, a box cab, a small
diesel, a one truck climax, or even a combination inter-urban.
Our remaining money is enough to purchase a set in either HO or N
fromBachmann or perhaps LifeLike. While it will be a limited set, it
contains two necessary essentials: a transformer and a locomotive.
If a little more money were available and one looked around, con-
sider Atlas Trainman ($109!) or Athearn ($109!). We could indeed
budget these sets out by using the included track in conjunction
with our flex track, thus reducing our flex track quantities as neces-
sary, or selling the track on eBay to gain selling experience.
Structures and Scenery
Unfortunately, while we have lots and lots of wonderful space,
we don't have much money to cover it! Then again, my premise
with this layout is getting started, not getting finished, and this
base should provide the potential for perhaps years of railroading
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