10: Next I remove the ridges
along the edge of the body.
enough, causing prob-
lems. I decided to try the
Intermountain wheelsets.
The Intermountain wheel-
sets took some doing to
run down, but I did find
them, and that solved my
Two solutions to the cou-
pler problem were avail-
able. The first would be
to replace the #5 Kadees
in the #508 Talgo Bolsters
with #27 or possibly #147
Kadee couplers. The second
is a body-mount solution
offered by Adair Shops. I
decided to go with the sec-
ond option.
After I had assembled the
Adair Shops kits, the req-
uisite number of #5 Kadee
couplers were recycled from
the #508 bolsters I already
had. I also purchased two
new tools I needed, a 4-40
tap and tap wrench and a
#17 X-Acto blade. I started
with a spare car to get a feel
for how these body mount
couplers work and how to
install them.
11: The body of the car is
now ready for installation of
the coupler kit.
12: The first part of the cou-
pler kit is installed onto the
car. Use the cement sup-
plied with the kit.