the damaged areas with the new paint formula that had been
used on the engine. While the color matched fairly well, the
texture did not. Brush painting versus airbrush, I think was
the issue.
Using eBay, I located
the individual who had
bought up the stock of
the defunct IHC com-
pany and was selling
it both on eBay and
a separate website. I
broke down and bought
three more coach cars.
Know that Carl's “eras-
ing” technique would be
valuable information, I
“erased” the names and
numbers. This worked
much better than the
previous methods. I stole
all the special parts (the
#508 Kadees, the Adair
Shops weight kits, and
the interiors) from the
older three cars and put
them on the new cars.
Finally, the interiors of
the four coaches on
the City of Miami were
not all the same. (See
City of Miami - 4
7: The lettering partially erased.
8: And completely erased. The
results are much better than
my previous attempts.
MRH-Jul 2013