I also worried about cracks along the joint between the backdrop
and the styrene. Cracks are appropriate in roads but not in the sky.
I made curved formers for the previous layout. Even without glue
failures these had proven to be a pain. I cut the formers from 3/4"
plywood using a band saw and found it nearly impossible to make
them uniform and install them in perfect alignment.
For the coved corners on my current layout I elected to skip the
formers and depend on the styrene to form a natural curve when
compressed between the fillets (berms). I also hoped that letting
the styrene float in the corners would compensate for any settling,
or expansion and contraction of the walls due to changes in tem-
perature or humidity.
19: Cutting the staples' shanks and setting them flush
doesn't result in a perfectly smooth surface. I use
Squadron White putty to fill dents or cuts in the surface
of the styrene.
20: I squeeze a small dab of putty on each staple shank
and smooth it with a 1" putty knife. This stuff releases
nasty vapors, so use lots of ventilation.