drywall and paneling as a sub-roadbed that I could easily cut
with a hand saw. The original plan I used wound its way up a
mountain with 4% grades, sharp curves, and custom bridges.
This, of course, was way beyond my abilities.
I had to start over building a basic oval with a reverse loop,
passing siding, and one spur. I used Atlas code 80 flex track
and switches over drywall sub-roadbed attached to my wood
frame. I installed some hard-shell scenery with a few trees with
lichens, and some sawdust I had dyed green. I purchased a few
plastic structures, and I was finished. I was enormously proud
of my first layout.
Soon I was off to college and I had little time for model rail-
roads, and eventually the layout was disposed of. But that was
2b. Smaller view of track plan.
N Scale 2'X4' Layout - 3
MRH-May 2013
1...,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211 213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,...305