Cast steel trucks with integral journal boxes
The ultimate development of cast steel truck side frames was
to incorporate the journal boxes as an integral part of the side
frame casting. This was first accomplished in the Bettendorf
T-section truck, developed and patented the by Bettendorf
Steel Axle Co. The T-section chords of these side frames were
arranged as equilateral triangles (14 and 15). The Bettendorf
truck was strong, relatively light, and immune to the journal
boxes becoming loose and misaligned, and it quickly became
14: The casting of the journal boxes as integral parts of
the Bettendorf T-section side frames is seen clearly here.
This arrangement eliminated problems with journal boxes
working loose and becoming misaligned but required the
truck to be dismantled whenever a wheelset was changed.
Freight Car Trucks - 7
MRH-May 2013
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