MRH staff notes - 4
We want to encourage contest entrants to think outside the box,
which is why we’re not putting a lot of constraints on this contest.
staff will judge the entries and select the winners.
The deadline for the contest entries is November 30th, 2013 (post-
marked or submitted to us online by midnight Pacific time on that
date). We will announce the winners in the January issue of
and publish the winners later in the year.
What criteria will the judges use to select the winners?
We will be looking for the most creative use of the $500. For
example, who says the benchwork even needs to be wood? Or
that the structures need to be fancy kits?
We’d like your entry to have good future expansion potential.
Don’t just make a super-cheap one-off that you can’t expand or
do more with. This is to get someone started with $500, not to
show them how to invest in a dead-end hobby!
You also don’t need to spend the full $500 - doing more with less
will play a big part in selecting the winners. That said, those able
to do the most with the full $500 will also be a factor.
We’d like to show that getting into the hobby doesn’t have to be
January, when the first of the winning entries will be published,
is when a lot of newcomers will be entering the hobby, so here’s
your chance to help them get started without a huge outlay
Calling Norman Woollons
Norman, where are you? We have been receiving your article
queries. When we attempt to respond to your queries, your
spam filters prevent our response from coming through to you.
Please make sure that
are marked as
safe senders.
Also please provide us a phone
number or alternative email
address so that we’re guaran-
teed we can contact you.
This is also a good reminder to
anyone else who sends us an
article for consideration or que-
ries regarding your submission.
Include your phone number
along with an alternate email
address if you have one.
A blast from the past
We went out to the
forum and took a look at
some of the early posts.
There are over 9500 posts
to date so you have plenty
of reading material between
issues. More importantly, a
good number of these posts
may be a helpful reference
resource for you.
Questions that you have may
have been answered, so put
some keywords in the search
and see what you can find.
MRH-May 2013
1...,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,...153