36. MRH13-02-Feb2013-P - page 39

If you don’t want to build your own four-hole boxes, use the
Micro-Mark boxes with the same four categories, but divide the
last box (of the three) with two heavy card stock cards that just
fit inside the box and are a little taller than a car card, with the
back one even taller than the first. The back one is tacked to the
back of the box and labeled HOLD. All cards for cars that need to
held will go in front of it.
The other is loose and is labeled OFF SPOT . All cars that need
an off spot movement during this session will be in front of that.
Once those cars have been moved from the off-spot, the opera-
tor will move the card to the SET OUT box. The car cards will be
switched from SET OUT to other boxes as needed between tricks
as would any other car card.
5: Internal dividers in waybill boxes can keep car cards
and waybills organized while reducing clutter on the
fascia board.
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