36. MRH13-02-Feb2013-P - page 32

Questions, Answers & Tips -
Code 88 Wheels
Some of my freight cars came with thinner wheels. I’m told
these will only run right on Proto 87 track but they seem to
operate fine on my regular track. Am I missing something?
No, you aren’t missing anything. Chances are you’re using
switches made to a finer standard than much commercial track.
Most commercial sectional and flex track available in the
US is made to NMRA standard S-3.2 but only some available
switches and crossings conform. There is a list of useful links at
the end of this answer.
A Code 88 wheel has a narrower width than the wheels on
most mass-produced model trains. The overall width on one is
.088” wide and the other usually .110” wide. Athearn Genesis
MRH-Feb 2013
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