Questions, Answers & Tips -
When I was a member of the Abington Lines Model Railroad
Club a LONG time ago, the member who was in charge of the
wiring was an electrical engineer. As such we had very good
documentation of where each and every wire went and what it
did. He did this with a combination of a spreadsheet and soft-
ware that produced a wiring schematic. I was wondering if any-
body does this and what software they use?
Alan (LKandO) used Adobe Illustrator to make his relay panel
schematic without a specific schematic plug-in. The design (illus-
tration at:
) is made from ordinary
lines, circles, and arrows and prints beautifully. He plans to do
the same for the rest of his railroad as it progresses.
Ken (Logger01) adds, “as an EE I have probably used every pro-
fessional electrical design capture and automation software
application available, however, these large systems are overkill
MRH-Jan 2013