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Model Railroad Hobbyist | December 2016 | #82 R REVERSE RUNNING commentary Don Hanley Who needs models? With the advent of new 3D video technology and vir- tual reality, who needs to build an operating layout? For a mere $80 to $120 you can get a set of virtual reality goggles. The new technology allows you to hook up the goggles to your smart phone and view videos and, I assume by extension, games also. There have been several posts on the forum about different rail- road video games, so as the games and the technology improve, soon we will be doing away with the need for layouts. Think about it. Just sit down in your favorite recliner and immerse yourself in a world of railroad fantasy. You won’t have to spend untold hundreds and thousands of hours building a small to medium size layout. No more splinters in your fingers from building the benchwork. For less than the cost of a DCC locomo- tive with sound, you can have entire railroad at your fingertips. XX STEPPING OUTSIDE THE BOX WITH A CONTRARY VIEW • INDEX • TABLE OF CONTENTS