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Model Railroad Hobbyist | October 2016 | #80 WHAT’S NEAT WITH KEN PATTERSON Ken Patterson column St. Louis Railroad Prototype Modelers Meet ... This month is your ticket to ride to the St. Louis Railroad Prototype Modelers meet, where there were more than 18oo models on display, many modular layouts, manufac- turer displays, and visitors from around the world. Add to that a few video runbys and bonus photoshoots that fit the July 4th theme, and we have a pretty good What’s Neat in Model Railroading presentation this month. Many of the manufacturers are small companies that don’t get much air time and may not be known to you. Many of them make products that fill very specific niches. The variety of the models and scales on display was overwhelming. Even after two days, I had not seen everything until I watched the video in editing. XX PHOTOS AND VIDEO OF SUPERB MODELS • INDEX • TABLE OF CONTENTS