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Model Railroad Hobbyist | May 2016 | #75 GETTING REAL column Jack Burgess Looking Back at a 1940 Railfan Trip SEVERAL MONTHS AGO I WAS ASKED TO provide model and prototype photos for an upcoming book from the NMRA Operations Special Interest Group (OPSIG). That book will be a comprehensive look at all things operations, and is expected to be available this summer from the OPSIG at One of the prototype photos I considered providing was taken by railfan Wilbur C. Whittaker during a trip to photograph the Yosemite Valley Railroad on July 7, 1940. Wilbur Whittaker lived in Mill Valley on the north end of the Golden Gate Bridge (oppo- site San Francisco) where he worked for the Southern Pacific Railroad. I was able to visit Wilbur several decades ago and spent a wonderful afternoon reviewing a binder of prints of his photos of the YV. At my request, I received nearly 30 5x7 prints of those YV photos a week or two later. Wilbur was typical of his genera- tion, and was a true gentleman and gracious host. XX MODELING REAL RAILROADS AND WHAT THEY DO • INDEX • TABLE OF CONTENTS